Monday, 23 November 2020

How polyester and polypropylene films are used in different industries


In the modern era, electrical insulation is considered to be one of the most critical factors to design equipment or even a simple cable in mission-critical instruments. The right insulation material will provide immense stability and safety to the equipment or the environment where this equipment is used. Hence, designing and manufacturing the best Electrical Insulation film for a particular purpose is very crucial. Only the best brands offer quality insulation films.

Polyester electrical insulation films

Electrical insulation faces the biggest challenge of withstanding the heat produced when electricity flows and heat is generated. In this aspect, the latest polyester films prove to be the best options. Apart from providing the best insulation, these films are highly heat resistant.

The factors that are checked while choosing an electrical Insulation film are:

1.      Transparency

2.      Machinability

3.      Insulation properties

4.      Mechanical properties (tolerating wear and tear)

5.      Dimensional stability (to check whether it can be used in different shapes without compromising the integrity)

6.      Adhesion properties, etc.

It all depends on the insulation purpose required in a process. The films are either purchased from a standardized platform or prepared in a customized way.

Polypropylene films used in labeling and packaging

One of the most popular uses of polyester films is labeling and packaging. The changing needs in the packaging industry can be quite challenging. This is where the polyester films can work like charm. From providing transparency to hard plastic insulation, anything can be done with this packaging and labeling material.

One of the most fascinating packaging materials in this section is Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) films. Matte BOPP Film can be customized in terms of ruggedness, transparency, fatigue resistance, moisture resistance, etc.

It can be used in manufacturing packaging labels, plastic ropes, food containers, laboratory items, medical-grade plastic items, performance textiles, etc. BOPP films can also be used in electrical applications and laminations. It has varieties of use in various industries.


As you can see how Polyester and polypropylene films are used for different purposes in various industries. polyester and polypropylene can be used as Electrical Insulation film, as well as, for packaging food items.